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Criya-Fight: Best Glyphosate Herbicide for Sustainable Crop Production

Farmers face numerous challenges when it comes to crop production, with weeds being one of the most dangerous. Weeds not only harm the plants but also the land, especially when considering the use of different implements to dig them out or the extra expenditure on labourers. That’s where Criya-Fight has a major role to play: the cost effective, sustainable solution for weed management. As weeds compete with crops for nutrients, water and as well as for sunlight weeds are known to cause losses up to 90 per cent of  overall crop productivity. This is where Criya-Fight comes into picture, glyphosate herbicide to tackle these weeds head on. But what makes Criya-Fight stand out? Why consider Criya-Fight as a game changer for sustainable farming?

Enriched with the powerful Glyphosate 41% SL, Criya-Fight is a potent solution

The Power of Criya-Fight: A Glyphosate Herbicide

Criyagen Criya Fight: A Glyphosate Herbicide
Criyagen Criya-Fight

Criya-Fight is powered by the weed-killing properties of Glyphosate 41% SL, and can be considered as an effective solution for sustainable crop production

Here’s why Criya-Fight can be an excellent choice for the farmers:

Broad Spectrum Efficacy

Criya-Fight with the power of glyphosate has the ability to tackle wide range of weeds, whether you are dealing with grasses, broadleaf weeds or woody plants, it ensures to clear them all and makes your field a clean place for planting ensuring your crops can grow and thrive without any competition


This herbicide does not limit its usage to agriculture and horticulture crops but can be an effective solution for forestry and as well as garden maintenance. Whether it be large agricultural lands or garden spaces, Criya-Fight gives consistent results.

Low Environmental Impact

One of the standout features of glyphosate herbicide, and thus Criya-Fight, is its relatively low impact on the environment. Glyphosate 41% SL breaks down in the soil, reducing the risk of long-term environmental damage. Additionally, using glyphosate enables conservation tillage practices, which help reduce soil erosion and improve soil health.

How Criya-Fight Works?

Criya-Fight works by inhibiting a specific enzyme pathway in plants, the shikimic acid pathway. This pathway helps the plant in producing certain proteins required for plant growth. By disrupting this pathway, Glyphosate 41% SL effectively kills the plant. This is how Criya-Fight acts as a powerful tool in managing weeds.  

Dosage and Application of Criya-Fight

Criya-Fight majorly target the weeds such as Axonopus compressus, Cynodon dactylon, Imperata cylindrica, Polygonum perfoliatum, Paspalum scrobiculatum, Arundinella bengalensis, Kalm grass, Sorghum halepense and other dicot and monocot weeds.

Weeds controlled by glyphosate herbicide
Axonopus compressus
Cynodon dactylon

To get rid of these weeds you can apply Criya-Fight at the rate of 0.8-1.2 litre per acre or 2-3 litre per hectare. 

Benefits of Criya-Fight: The Best Glyphosate Herbicide

Improves Crop Yield

As Criya-Fight helps by eliminating competition from weeds and helps in improving crop yields. Farmers can expect healthier harvests as there is no crop weed competition during the crop growth stages. 


Criya-Fight is known for its cost effectiveness. It provides a reliable and economical solution for weed control, saving farmers money in the long run as they do not have to rely on labourers and machines for weed control.

Criya-Fight for Sustainable Farming Practices

Criya-Fight supports sustainable farming practices as it allows conversational tillage, as the land is not disturbed thereby reducing soil erosion and improving soil health. This practice helps in long-term agriculture sustainability.

Low Toxicity

Criya-Fight has low toxicity to birds and aquatic organisms and is not toxic to birds, making it a safer choice for the environment.

Learn about cost-saving solutions for organic farming here

By incorporating Criya-Fight into your  weed management practices, you can ensure healthier crops, higher yields and a more sustainable farming practice. With Criya-Fight, keep the land and crops safe.

Criya-Fight is available at AgriAppDownload AgriApp from Playstore and avail a 100 OFF on your first order.

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