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How Criya-EMA Tackles 4 Serious Crop Pests: Usage and Benefits

Have you ever wondered why your chilli plants have curled leaves or why cabbage plants are showing whitish patches? Perhaps you’ve noticed holes on your okra fruits or on your cotton bolls. These common issues are often caused by serious crop pests such as thrips in chillies, diamondback (DBM) moths in cabbage, fruit and shoot borers in okra, and bollworms in cotton. Understanding the symptoms these pests can cause is crucial for effective management. Luckily, there is a solution that can address all these pests: Criya-EMA

4 Serious Crop Pests Addressed by Criya-EMA

Cotton Bollworms

Cotton Bollworm Attack: one of the serious crop pests
Cotton Bollworm Attack

If you are observing holes on the bolls, it might be the cause of bollworms in cotton. Additionally, you can observe the presence of granular faecal matter outside these boreholes. This damage reduces the quality of the cotton and lowers the yield.

Diamondback Moths in Cabbage

DBM Damage in Cabbage: one of the serious crop pests
DBM Damage in Cabbage

The larvae of the diamondback moth can completely remove the foliar tissue and because of which you can observe whitish patches on the cabbages. This is one of the serious crop pests is invasive and needs proper management as this disrupts head formation in cabbages.

Okra Fruit and Shoot Borer

Okra Fruit and Shoot Borer
Okra Fruit and Shoot Borer

These pests can cause about 45-57 percent of damage to fruits. You can observe bore holes on the fruits and severe damage might cause shedding of buds and flowers prematurely

Chilli Thrips

Chilli Thrips Symptoms
Chilli Thrips Symptoms

If you are seeing curled and crinkled leaves on the chilli plants it is a thrips infestation in chilli. These thrips suck the sap from the leaves and severe conditions lead to stunted plant growth and flower production and fruit set stops.

How Criya-EMA Can Help

Criyagen Criya-EMA
Criyagen Criya-EMA

Criya-EMA, having the content Emamectin Benzoate, is an effective insecticide that can help you manage a vast range of pests. Having the powerful ingredient, it targets the pest keeping the crops safe.

Criya EMA: Mode of Action

Emamectin benzoate 1.9% E.C works in two ways: it affects pests both when they touch it and when they absorb it through the plant. When pests come into contact with this chemical, it messes with their nervous system, making it harder for them to send signals. As a result, the pests stop eating the plants and eventually die.

Why Choose Criya-EMA? 

  • Effective Pest Control: Criya-EMA targets and controls a wide range of pests, including cotton bollworms, diamondback moths, okra fruit and shoot borers and chilli thrips.
  • Powerful Dual Action: Criya-EMA delivers fast and effective pest control with both contact and stomach action, making it ideal for dealing with bollworms, caterpillars and more across various crops like cotton, tomato and okra.
  • Rain-Fast and Long-Lasting: With a rain-fastness of around 4 hours, Criya-EMA stays effective even after a shower. Its translaminar action ensures that it reaches pests hiding on the underside of leaves, making sure they’re taken care of.
  • Quick Results: Criya-EMA doesn’t just stop pests; it prevents them from feeding. Within 2-4 days, larvae that ingest Criya-EMA die, giving your crops the protection they need to thrive.
  • Safe for Crops: It works well without harming your crops, ensuring that you can produce healthy and high-quality plants.
  • Easy to Use: Criya-EMA’s application is easy, making pest management simpler and more efficient.

How to Use Criya-EMA?

  1. Read the Label: Always start by reading the label for specific instructions and safety information.
  2. Mix Properly: Prepare the solution according to the recommended ratio.

For cotton bollworm, 9.5-11 grams per hectare. To get rid of DBM in cabbage, 7.5-10 grams per hectare, Okra fruit and shoot borer can be controlled by applying 6.75-8.5 grams per hectare of Criya-EMA and Thrips in Chilli can be controlled by giving 10 grams 10 grams per hectare mixed with proper proportion of water.

  1. Apply Evenly: Use a sprayer to apply the solution evenly to the affected areas of your plants.
  2. Follow the Schedule: Apply Criya-EMA as directed, and follow up with regular monitoring to keep pests under control.

Managing pests is a vital part in crop production and Criya EMA can be your best ally in helping you fight these pests. By keeping an eye out for these pests and using Criya-EMA to control them, you can control your crops and ensure better harvests.

Wondering where to get Criya-EMA? Download AgriApp today and avail ₹100 off on your first order.

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