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10 Low Investment High Profit Crops For Indian Farmers

In general sense, farming needs a high initial investment, and sometimes the returns will be low for the farmer as compared to his investment. This depends on various factors like weather, market demands, bad yields, etc. One way to reduce this risk is to focus your attention on growing low-investment, high profit crops.

In India there are several crops and fruits that need only a low initial investment and they are very easy to grow. I am going to share some of the names with you.

If you are a newbie to farming and are overwhelmed about how to start a farm, refer to our blog on ‘How to Start a Farm.’

10 Low Investment High Profit Crops and Fruits

These low investment crops and fruits are most common in India, and their seeds are very easy to procure. Additionally, they can be nurtured in most parts of India, irrespective of the change in soil nature.

1. Moringa

Low Investment crops: Drumstick
Image source: pixabay

Some of you may not be familiar with the name “Moringa”. It is also known as “drumstick tree”, a usual guest in our kitchen. Moringa is one of the fast-growing crops, and its leaves, seeds, and pods possess numerous health benefits and are also edible, which makes them a low investment crop in high demand.

Moringa can adapted to different soil types and can grow in most stressful conditions in minimal water. The easy seed availability and its peculiarity of growing in any condition make it one of the low investment and high profit crops.

Crop Requirements

  • Soil type – Adapted to different types of soil
  • Soil PH – 6.5 to 8
  • Climate – 25-30℃ temperature range
  • Irrigation – Regular irrigation with a 10- to 15-day interval

Initial Investment

Seed – you can get it free of cost or if you are going to buy from outside, it is between Rs 20 to Rs 500.

So, your initial investment is below 500 or a big “zero”.

2. Mushrooms

Low Investment crops: Mushroom
Image source: dpictures

Mushrooms generally refer to the umbrella-shaped fruiting bodies that emerge from the surface of dead and decaying organic matter and are part of the fungal body. There is edible as well as non-edible mushroom varieties in India. The edible varieties are in high demand because of their nutritional properties, and also, they are very easy to grow indoors with minimum expenditure.

Some Mushroom Varieties in India

a. Button Mushroom

Button mushrooms are small, white, or cream, and have a small cap. People consider these mushrooms among the best in India for both health and economic aspects, making them the most commercially cultivated and used.

Cultivation Method
  • Place the mushroom spores (which can be bought commercially) in materials like straws, compost, and animal manure to use them as the substrate.
  • Then, add a layer of peat moss mixed with moist soil to this substrate.
  • Place it in proper condition:

Temperature – 20 to 25 degrees Celsius

Humidity – 80 to 85%

  • When the mushrooms reach the desired size, they can be collected by twisting them off the substrate
b. Oyster Mushroom

Oyster mushrooms got its name due to its resemblance to oyster shells. They have a fan-shaped structure with a velvety texture and produce a delicate aroma during cooking. Oyster mushrooms comes in different colours like grey, white, brown, pink, and yellow.

Cultivation Method
  • Soak wheat straw or paddy in water and sterilize them to remove unwanted microbes. This acts as the substrate. To this, mushroom spawn is added and mixed properly in a container.
  • The containers are then kept in dark rooms at room temperature for the mycelium to incubate. The mycelium is allowed to spread through the substrate fully.
  • The container is then allowed to be exposed to light to promote the growth of the mushrooms.
  • The mushrooms are allowed to grow. When they reach maturity, the caps open fully, and are harvested.
c. Shiitake Mushroom

People usually find Shiitake mushrooms on the dead and decaying wood of broad-leaved trees, such as Oaks. These mushrooms have a reddish-brown color and feature a cap (pileus) that houses gills. They are famous for their meaty texture and a rich, smoky, earthly flavor. For commercial cultivation, one can grow shiitake mushrooms on logs or sawdust blocks.

Cultivation Method
  • One must properly sterilize oak logs or a mixture of sawdust and hardwood when using them as substrates.
  • Drill holes in the substrate and add the spawn to it.
  • Keep these in a cool and dark environment at a temperature of 15-20℃.
  • Soak the log-grown Shiitake mushrooms in cool water for one or two days to mimic natural rainfall, then expose them to fresh air and light to induce fruiting in the fungus.
  • The mushrooms reach maturity when their caps are fully developed but still slightly closed, at which stage harvesters pick them

Mushrooms are excellent crop for farmers who doesn’t have much extra space to work with. They can grow within 5 weeks and can attract high returns, making it one of the low investment crops with high return.

Initial Investment
Seed prices

a. Button Mushroom – Rs.90/kg

b. Oyster Mushroom seed – 200/kg

For spawns, containers are other related materials – Rs.500

The total cost will be between Rs.600 – Rs.700

3. Avocado

Low Investment crops: Avocado
Image source: By Claire Redden

An avocado is a bright green fruit with a large pit and dark leathery skin. It is also known as “alligator pear or butter fruit”. A not-so-famous fruit in the past in India but is gradually earning popularity now because of its popularity among nutritional experts. They are very rich in nutrients and require only less initial investment for its farming. The only disadvantage with Avocados is its maturation time, which is 3 to 4 years. But it is worth the time because of its low maintenance cost and is able to bear fruit for a long period of time.

Crop Requirements

  • Soil – Wide range of soils except those with poor drainage.
  • Soil PH – 5.0-7.0
  • Climate – Tropical and semi-tropical humid areas
  • Irrigation – Consistent irrigations with 3-4 weeks interval

Initial Investment

Avocado Seeds – Rs.600/kg or you can get the seeds at a piece rate of Rs.14/piece.

The initial cost is less than Rs.1000

4. Aloe Vera

Low Investment crops: Aloe Vera
Image source: By Angela Mathis

Aloe Vera is known for its medicinal and skincare properties. Cultivating Aloe Vera requires minimal maintenance and can provide a good source of income through the sale of aloe gel and related products. It is also a wonderful garden plant, that can be used to stylize our household.

Crop Requirements

  • Soil – Medium fertile heavy soils such as black cotton soils.
  • Soil PH – Range up to 8.5
  • Climate – Thrive in a wide range of temperatures but needs protection against frost.
  • Irrigation – Irrigate during summer seasons

Initial Investment

You can get the seeds or the plants with a cost between Rs.150 to Rs.250. If you are growing it in containers or bags, then the price for each bag is between Rs.100 – Rs.400.

5. Dragon Fruit

Low Investment crops: Dragonfruit
Image source: Getty Images

Introduced in India, dragon fruits are gaining popularity for their fleshy and juicy fruits. People mainly grow them as a commercial fruit plant and also for ornamental purposes. The plant requires minimal maintenance and has high demand in the Indian and International markets. In India, the fruit is now fetching prices of 200 to 250 per kg which makes dragon fruit among the low investment high profit crops.

Crop Requirements

  • Soil – Sandy soils with good organic matter
  • Soil PH – 5.5-7.0
  • Climate – Tropical climate with a temperature range of 20 to 30 degree Celsius
  • Irrigation – Irrigation using drip irrigation technique

Initial Investment

Dragon fruit seed – below Rs.160 for 20 pieces or some sellers are providing 40 pieces in the same price.

Drip Irrigation – If you are going to grow the fruit in 1 acre, then installing the system will cost you an amount between Rs.35000 – Rs.60000 and if you are growing in a small space the cost is less than Rs.5000

6. Banana

Low Investment crops: Banana
Image source: By Kailen Skewis

Bananas are the most popular fruit among Indians. They are highly nutritious and are easily available. Remember the scene from the film “Lunch Box” in which the office workers eating banana as their meal, that establishes its place among Indians.

Bananas are part of low investment crops that require relatively little money to grow and harvest. You can start growing bananas with a few hundred rupees. The banana plants start bearing fruit within 18 months from its initial stage. Each plant will produce about 20 to 25 Kg bananas per year and the farmer can earn up to 300 to 400 rupees from each plant per year which makes it as a low investment and high profit crop.

Crop Requirements

  • Soil – Well drained loamy soil
  • Soil PH – 5.5 – 6.5
  • Irrigation – Using drip irrigation technique, as bananas need a lot of water during flowering and fruiting.

Initial Investment

Per seed, you can get with in Rs.100

7. Pineapple

Low Investment crops: Pineapple
Image source: Nyallergy

Pineapple is a tropical fruit which is easy to grow and its yields are high, a single pineapple plant will yield up to 200 pineapples annually which makes pineapple a low investment and high profit fruit crop. They can be grown both in open fields and under shade. Pineapple plants take around 18 months to mature and begin bearing fruit. Once the plants start bearing fruit, it continues to do so for 3 to 4 years.

Crop Requirements

  • Soil – well drained soil which is rich in organic matter
  • Soil PH – 4.5 – 5.6
  • Irrigation – Water sprinkling

The best time to plant pineapples is during the monsoon season, when the soil is moist and fertile. Regarding harvesting, pineapples can be harvested all year round, but the peak season is from the month of March to June.

Initial Investment

Seed price – For 50 to 100 pieces, the cost is between Rs.350 to Rs.500

8. Papaya

Low Investment crops: Pappaya
Image source: By Tracy Stuckrath

Papaya is the common man’s fruit as it can see anywhere around you and it is one of the most profitable fruits in India. It requires little care and it will grow in any soil irrespective of the region. Papaya fruits can be harvested with in 4 to 5 months of planting as it has a short growing season. In addition, papaya is a good source of Vitamins like Vitamin C, A, E and K.

Crop Requirements

  • Soil – Well drained rich sandy loam soil
  • Soil PH – 6.6-7
  • Irrigation – Drip irrigation

Initial Investment

Seed – zero, you can get the seeds from the fruit which is easily available in your neighbourhood or if you are buying it, the cost is between Rs.100 – Rs.150 for 100 to 300 seeds.


How to Start Pesticide & Fertilizer Dealership

Are you planning to start a career in agri-inputs? Do you want to be a Fertilizer & Pesticide dealer? Are you a retailer looking for a pesticide license or planning to scale up your business?

9. Guava

Image source: Pichaitun

The native land of guava, Indian subcontinent, celebrates this popular fruit in various forms, such as fresh juices, jams, and jellies. Cultivating guava stands out as a crop that offers high profits with low investment, demands little land and thriving even on marginal lands. It entails only modest investments, making it accessible for individual households to grow with ease Guava trees are easy to grow with less care. They are drought resistant and can thrive in any soil types. Guava trees start bearing fruits from the second year onwards and continue to do so for many years. In addition, a single tree can yield up to 200 kg of fruits per year. Guavas are rich in Vitamins like A, C and E and minerals like potassium, iron and calcium, which made it famous among health experts.

Crop Requirements

  • Soil – Heavy clay to very light sandy soils
  • Soil PH – 4.5 – 8.2

Initial Investment

Seeds – zero, if you are procuring it from the fruit itself or it is less than Rs.150 for 100 pieces of seeds.

10. Raspberry

Image source: Diggers

A rich source of anti-oxidants and vitamins, Raspberries are a highly profitable fruit crop which is famous among health-conscious consumers. It can be grown in any soil but the preferred soil type is sandy loam with good drainage. The average yield of raspberry per hectare in India is about 17 tonnes and has a shelf life of about 2 to 3 days which makes it easy for transportation from one place to another for the sales purpose. In addition, raspberry plants prefer warm weather and full sun exposure.

Crop Requirements

  • Soil – Well drained loamy soil
  • Soil PH – 5.5 – 6.5
  • Irrigation – Drip irrigation is preferrable

Initial Investment

Raspberry seeds – 10 seeds for Rs.200

These are some of the options from crops and fruits worth considering if you are looking for low investment high profit farming. From moringa to raspberries, there is something on this list of 10 for every farmer who is desiring to up his profit. Like an old saying, “Don’t wait, do it”.

A Case Study: How did Rajendiran, a retired employee turned farmer, find a new way of life through Papaya Farming? 

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