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Home » 5 Major Cotton Pests: Achieve Pest-Free Crop with Criya Sharp

5 Major Cotton Pests: Achieve Pest-Free Crop with Criya Sharp

Are you noticing damaged cotton leaves, stunted growth of the plant or discoloured bolls? These symptoms are the indicators of some major pest infestation in cotton plants. From aphids to bollworms, cotton pests can cause serious damage to the plants if not controlled. What if there is a solution that can control them all? 

5 Major Pests That Attack Cotton

Cotton Aphids
Cotton Aphids
  1. Aphids: Aphids are the tiny, sap sucking pests in cotton that can severely damage plants by stunting them and spreading viral diseases in cotton. Found in the underside of the leaves, causes curling and yellowing of the leaves in the plants
  2. Jassids: Jassids are commonly known as leafhoppers, causing ‘hopper burn’ in the plants. The symptoms are curling of leaves, drying and browning of plants. If not controlled initially, the plants become susceptible to many other issues
  3. Thrips: Thrips mainly feed on young leaves and flower buds of cotton plants which can lead to silvering and bronzing of leaves and premature flower drop
  4. Whiteflies: Whiteflies can be considered as the most invasive pests that can harm cotton plants. These along with causing damage symptoms also leads to the virus transmission. The main symptoms of whiteflies are leaves turning yellow, wilt and drop prematurely
  5. Bollworms: 3 types of bollworms majorly attack cotton- American, Spotted and Pink Bollworms. These mainly attack cotton bolls showing bore holes on them, bollworms feed on seeds and lint, leading to poor quality and yield
Whiteflies in Cotton
Whiteflies in Cotton

The Solution: Criya Sharp

Criya Sharp is an effective insecticide, composed of two powerful ingredients: Chlorpyriphos and Cypermethrin, each having a unique mode of action that effectively controls these pests in cotton.

Criyagen Criya-Sharp-505

How does Criya Sharp Work?

Mode of Action of Criya Sharp

  1. Chlorpyriphos: Belonging to the Organophosphate group, Chlorpyriphos works by inhibiting the enzyme acetylcholinesterase in the nervous system of the insects. This enzyme is crucial for breaking down acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that facilitates nerve impulses. When Chlorpyriphos inhibits this enzyme, acetylcholine accumulates causing the insect’s nervous system to overact, leading to paralysis and death.
  2. Cypermethrin: Cypermethrin is a synthetic pyrethroid, disrupts the normal functioning of sodium channels in insect nerve cells. These channels control the transmission of nerve impulses. By disrupting them, Cypermethrin causes an excessive inflow of sodium ions, resulting in hyperexcitation, paralysis, and eventually, the insect’s death.

The combination of these two insecticides make Criya Sharp, the effective solution to fight a broad spectrum of pests.

Features and Benefits of Criya Sharp

  1. Dual-Action Formula: Criya Sharp is versatile as it has the power to fight both chewing and sucking pests. The dual action ensures comprehensive control over wider range of pests
  2. Broad-Spectrum Control:  Criya Sharp is effective against a wide range of pests, including aphids, jassids, thrips, whiteflies and bollworms. This broad-spectrum control makes it a best solution to farmers facing multiple pest problems
  3. Residual Activity: One of the standout features of Criya Sharp is its residual activity. After application, the insecticide remains effective on the leaf surface, providing long-lasting protection against pest attacks. This means fewer applications and sustained control, which is both time-efficient and cost-effective.
  4. Systemic and Contact Action: Chlorpyriphos, with its systemic properties, is absorbed by the plant and transported throughout the tissues, ensuring that even hidden pests are affected. Cypermethrin acts on contact, providing a quick knockdown effect on pests that come into direct contact with the sprayed area.
  5. Versatile Application: Criya Sharp’s Emulsifiable Concentrate (EC) formulation makes it easy to apply. It can be mixed with water and sprayed on the foliage, ensuring even coverage and effective pest control.

How to Use Criya Sharp Effectively

  1. Dosage: For effective control, it’s important to use the correct dosage of Criya Sharp. The recommended dosage is typically around 1-1.5 liters per hectare, but it’s always best to refer to the product label or consult with an agricultural expert for precise instructions tailored to your specific situation.
  2. Application Method: Criya Sharp is applied as a foliar spray. Mix the recommended amount of the insecticide with water to create an emulsion, and apply it using a sprayer. Ensure thorough coverage of the plants, particularly the undersides of the leaves where pests like aphids and whiteflies tend to hide.
  3. Timing: Timing is crucial when applying Criya Sharp. It’s most effective when applied at the first signs of pest activity. Early intervention can prevent pests from establishing and causing significant damage. Regular monitoring of your crop can help you determine the best time to apply the insecticide.

The Benefits of Using Criya Sharp on Your Cotton Crop

  1. Increased Yield: By effectively controlling pests, Criya Sharp helps to protect your cotton plants from damage, leading to healthier plants and higher yields. This translates to better profitability for your farming operation.
  2. Improved Crop Quality: Pest-free cotton bolls are of higher quality, resulting in better market prices for your produce. Criya Sharp ensures that your crop remains free from the blemishes and damage caused by pests like bollworms.
  3. Cost-Effective Solution: With its broad-spectrum control and residual activity, Criya Sharp reduces the need for frequent applications, saving you both time and money. Its effectiveness against multiple pests also means you don’t have to purchase and apply multiple products.
  4. Sustainability: Criya Sharp’s ability to control pests with a single application reduces the environmental impact of pesticide use. By minimizing the need for multiple sprays, it contributes to more sustainable farming practices.

Pests are an inevitable challenge in cotton farming, but with the right tools, they don’t have to be a major problem. Whether you’re dealing with aphids, jassids, thrips, whiteflies, or bollworms, Criya Sharp is a reliable ally in your fight against pests. So, if you’re seeing signs of pest infestation in your cotton field, consider reaching for Criya Sharp—the solution that works as hard as you do.

Criya-Sharp is available at AgriAppDownload AgriApp from Playstore and avail a 100 OFF on your first order.

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