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From Retiree to an AgriPreneur: A Success Story

How did Rajendiran, a retired employee turned farmer, find a new way of life through agriculture? Owning just 0.75 acres of land, he started an Agripreneur journey by cultivating crops such as papaya, banana, avocado, and lemon. Having spent years in a 9-to-5 schedule, this was a refreshing experience for him. He brought with him the discipline and resilience forged from his previous routine, for this new venture. However, the real challenge lies in getting the right information and innovative strategies. How was he able to use his limited space to grow such a variety of crops and achieve a 200% profit in just one year with the help of AgriApp?

Beginning with Taiwan Pink Papaya

Being a retired employee with limited experience in farming, Rajendiran struggled in the initial days and his friend recommended him AgriApp. After the installation, he called our crop advisory support team for expert advice on the right products and practices.

After understanding his crops, geography and challenges, our team of agronomists recommended a combination of potassium humate and micronutrients to enhance soil fertility, vermicompost for monthly nourishment, and fully decomposed cow dung for an initial three-month period.

Rajendiran in his Papaya Farm

Rajendiran followed the advice, incorporating DAP and DNP for the initial two months and a one-time application of potassium humate for all plants. The watering schedule was set at once every two days to ensure optimal moisture levels for the crops.

Rajendiran chose the Taiwan Pink variety of papaya, expecting an average yield of 1 kg per fruit as promised by the nursery. However, to his surprise, the fruits surpassed expectations, with one weighing an impressive 3 kg. The overall harvest was an astounding 800 kg from 60 papaya plants over 16 cycles.

Expansion to Other Crops with Crop Calendar

Encouraged by the success of his papaya cultivation, Rajendiran extended his farming efforts to include bananas, avocados, and lemons on his 0.75-acre plot. With the same AgriApp recommendations, he expects similar positive outcomes for these crops.

Handling multiple crops simultaneously is a challenging task. To address this, our crop advisors introduced Rajendiran to the Crop Calendar feature of AgriApp. Rajendiran registered all his crops in the app’s Crop Calendar section, detailing the stages and varieties of each crop. This feature began sending him notifications for his farming practices on a weekly basis.

These timely reminders and customized advice helped him maintain consistency and coordinate the care of all his crops systematically. With the right information at his fingertips, Rajendiran could ensure each crop received the attention it needed at the precise time, greatly enhancing his ability to manage his diverse agricultural endeavours efficiently.

Apart from this, the Community feature of AgriApp helps him connect with farmers who have similar crops and his insights with a beginner’s lens helped other farmers in the immunity as well.

Why AgriApp

AgriApp’s user-friendly interface and recommendations have empowered farmers like Rajendran to make informed decisions, optimize resource usage, and enable them to a potential investors in agriculture. As we witness this success story, it becomes evident that AgriApp is not just a platform; it is a personal assistant for each farmer in India irrespective of their geography.

AgriApp Kisan Card for Credit Support

Why should a farmer consider AgriApp? The answer lies in this one-stop solution model. Whether it’s accessing farming information, real-time guidance for crop management, or financial support, AgriApp brings it all to the fingertips of Indian farmers.

AgriApp is committed to creating a sustainable ecosystem that merges technology with traditional farming practices. This is what sets AgriApp apart from other AgriTech startups in India.

AgriApp stands as a beacon of hope, offering a comprehensive solution to the myriad challenges faced by farmers like Rajendiran, positioning itself as a one-stop solution for the future of farming in India.

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