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Make Your Gardens Greener with BIO MAXX

Are you a passionate home gardener, who wants to see your plants live and greener? Then you’re very familiar with the frustration of diagnosing nutrient deficiencies, pests and diseases in plants. Most times, we won’t be able to figure it out easily. But if you go through a step-wise process, we would say, first consider nutrient deficiencies. This is where Bio Maxx will help you.

Firstly, there are two types of nutrient deficiencies. Let’s see what are those.

What are the different types of Nutrient Deficiencies in Plants?

Nutrient deficiency is the main cause of stunted plant growth often leading to complete crop losses. Nonetheless, crop starvation for micro or macronutrients can be diagnosed visually, and prompt identification will save the affected yields.

There are primary (macro) and secondary (micro) nutrients which are important for crops. We refer to a nutrient deficiency if vegetation is starving for any of them.

The primary nutrient elements are nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K), alongside calcium (Ca). sulfur (S) or magnesium (Mg). These nutrients support ultimate plant needs. The biggest volumes are included in the fertilizers of the N-P-K group. Besides, plants require minor volumes of copper (Cu), iron (Fe), molybdenum (Mo), zinc (Zn), boron (B), manganese (Mn), etc.

Micronutrients are required in a small amount but if they are lacking in the plants they impact more on the quality and growth of the plant system. Hence they play a vital role in the plant’s health. 

How to Identify a Type-2 Nutrient Deficiency in Plants?

Plant deficiencies can be identified by the following methods :
1. visual examination to exclude pest attacks and crop diseases due to biotic stresses.
2. soil testing for chemical content, pH and electrical conductivity (EC), salinity, etc.

I would like to say do not neglect these symptoms in your home garden!

Let’s take the first option of identification of micronutrient deficiency, that is visual identification in your garden.

1. If you see young leaf yellowing and interveinal chlorosis then you should consider it as iron deficiency.

2. If you were seeing impaired growth and broken stems, death of shoot tips and leading to multiple lateral branches (bush-like shape) then you confirm it as boron deficiency.

3. By any chance if you notice mottled leaves with irregular chlorotic areas then it is zinc deficiency and if you see the symptom primarily appearing in young leaves with chlorotic mosaic patterns on leaves then it is manganese deficiency.

Hope you gained a little knowledge about the identification of deficiency of micronutrients in the plant. Then let us know how important micronutrients are to happy plants. 

Then let’s have a look at the functions of some micronutrients.

How These Micronutrients Make Your Garden Greener

If we see the iron, it plays a role in chlorophyll formation and cell division that supports plant growth.

Do not neglect the application of boron because it is necessary for cell wall formation, membrane integrity and calcium uptake and also assists in the translocation of sugars, and affects numerous functions in plants, including flowering, pollen germination, fruiting, cell division, water relationships and the transport of hormones.

Moving to the zinc functions it is a component in many enzymes, including auxins (plant growth hormones). It is essential for carbohydrate metabolism, protein synthesis and also internodal elongation (stem growth).

Then you should include manganese nutrients as it is important for photosynthesis and respiration. It improves green color and increases sugar and protein content and enhances plant tolerance to high light intensity.
Now, you know about the importance of all nutrients and you are worried about how to supply them to plants even if you are doing organic farming. Then planning to give them individually? 

Are Organic Manures Enough for These Nutrients?

If you know the importance and functions of these micronutrients then you will not skip giving these nutrients to your plants. But, how will we get all these essential nutrients?

If you are doing organic farming and you end up providing only cow dung, organic manures and compost. Then I can say you are not fulfilling the micronutrient starvation of the plants. Because according to the research organic manures, composts or cow dung contain only macronutrients and little amount of Calcium and Magnesium. Do they really meet the needs of micronutrients of plants? Even Though you are opting for manure means, then consider this organic nutrient tonic which is composed of micronutrients called BIO MAXX for your organic farming.

What is this BIO MAXX?

Bio Maxx is a comprehensive plant-nourishing tonic. It is suitable for all agriculture, horticulture, plantation and ornamental crops.
Mainly Bio Maxx is composed of Inorganic nutrients like Zinc, Ferrous, Boron, and Manganese. Organic like proteins, amino acid derivatives, preservatives, stabilizers and aqueous diluents. Hormones of microbial origin and growth promoters.

Bio Maxx enhances not only the growth and development of crops, it promotes flowering and fruit setting, and increases fruit size and crop yield. Bio Maxx corrects the nutrient deficiency & enhances quality yield. It helps plants endure environmental stresses. 

Let us know how to use this tonic: Bio Maxx can be foliar sprayed with 3 ml/l of water or 500 to 600 ml/acre.

In conclusion, I can say BIO MAXX isn’t just a product – it’s a game-changer for home gardeners and organic farming. With all the essential micronutrients packed into one convenient bottle, it’s like a magic tonic for your plants. Not only corrects the deficiency it also enhances the yield of the crop.  And the best part? It’s very easy to use.

So you can spend less time worrying about your garden and more time enjoying its beauty. So why wait? Give your plants the love and care they deserve with BIO MAXX, and watch as your garden blooms into greenery and life. Happy Crops, Happy gardening!

Hope you enjoyed this explanation of the main micronutrient deficiency part of almost every crop undergoes also I gave the micronutrient solution as BIO MAXX.

Grab your plant organic booster and make your plants happy.

Then why wait? Get a free Agronomist consultation from AgriApp for your happy crops. Call now at +91 9108047688

For more tips and information about bio-stimulants, click here.

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