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A Cost-Saving Organic Solution for Farmers

As an organic farmer, you’ve likely experimented with various methods to provide your fields with essential nutrients. Using poultry manure, rock phosphate and sheep manure has been your go-to for meeting your plants’ NPK requirements. However, despite your investments, you may have found yourself falling short of desired outcomes. Have you ever tried using cost-saving organic solution for sourcing nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium that can reduce the costs of your organic farming?

You can provide your plants with these nutrients directly from nature. Plants take in carbon and oxygen from the air through photosynthesis and hydrogen when provided with water. However, what about nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium? How can they be made absorbable by the plants? 

Nitrogen and Phosphorus in the Biosphere

The fact that we are all aware of is that 78 percent of Earth’s atmosphere is nitrogen. Despite this, why is it difficult for plants to take it up?

In the atmosphere, nitrogen is present in gaseous form, and plants can only absorb it as nitrogenous salts from the soil, provided by various nitrogen-fixing microorganisms like Azospirillum. Similarly, phosphates are the least available nutrient present in the soil, and these soil phosphates become accessible either through plant roots or through the activity of soil microorganisms like Pseudomonas, including phosphatases and the secretion of organic acids.

So, what are Azospirillum and Pseudomonas? How do they help plants absorb nutrients from the soil?

Mechanisms of Azospirillum and Pseudomonas

The way Azospirillum works is pretty simple. It’s like how we breathe in oxygen. These bacteria take in nitrogen and then turn it into a form that plants can use.

Biological Nitrogen Fixation

Phosphate-solubilizing bacteria (PSB) play a role in mineralizing organic P (from organic form to inorganic form) and solubilizing inorganic P (from inorganic form to soluble form), converting both into orthophosphate, which is the form of P taken up by plants for growth

Mechanism of Phosphorus uptake from soil to plant

Cost-Saving Benefits of Azospirillum and Pseudomonas in Organic Farming

For instance, to meet the needs of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium, you might be using poultry manure, rock phosphate and sheep manure for your crops.

The requirement of poultry manure usually ranges from 1000-2000 kg per acre, and the cost per kg of poultry manure ranges from 50-60/-. Rock phosphate requirement ranges from 50-150 kg per acre, and the cost ranges from 8-10/- per kg. Similarly, sheep manure requirement is 1200-1600 kg per acre, and the cost is 10-20/- per kg. It becomes expensive to spend on it every year.
So it is important to bring in a solution that helps the plants to take in the nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium present in the soil, thereby helping to reduce the cost of organic fertilisers.

A 3-in-1 Cost-Saving Solution for Organic Farming

If you’re into organic farming and tired of searching for good biofertilizers while aiming to reduce costs, then you should definitely try your hand at the Criyagen Bumper Crop Kit.

Criyagen Bumper Crop Kit

Composed of Azospirillum, Pseudomonas and Trichoderma, the Bumper Crop Kit can be every organic farmer’s best friend.
This 3-liter solution is sufficient for an acre and can be a cost-saving solution for your organic farm, costing only 728/- per kit.

Applying Criyagen Bumper Crop Kit in the Farm

Soil Application: Mix Bumper Crop packets with farm yield manure and apply to one acre field for enhanced soil nutrition and crop yield.

Drenching: Prepare a solution by mixing 1 packet of Bumper Crop with 100 litres of water. Drench plant roots for 30 minutes before sowing to promote healthy growth.

Drip Irrigation: Mix 1 packet of Bumper Crop with 100–200 litres of water and apply it through a drip irrigation system for efficient nutrient delivery to plants.

In summary, organic farming can be expensive, but there’s a smart solution: the Criyagen Bumper Crop Kit. It’s a mix of helpful bacteria that boost soil and plant health. By using this kit, farmers save money and grow better crops. It’s an easy and affordable way to make organic farming more successful and sustainable.

Get Criyagen Bumper Crop Kit for your fields or houseplants from AgriApp, and to know more about organic farming tips and information, click here

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