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Home » Organic Pest Control: Beauveria bassiana

Organic Pest Control: Beauveria bassiana

Are you concerned about the death of small transplanted plants and the dryness in their leaves? Then, damping off and sucking pest infestations might be the issues. If you prefer not to use chemicals for these problems, you might consider adopting organic pest control methods, such as applying biopesticides.

Dying of small transplanted plants and it also known as damping off
Sucking pests affecting the plant and resulting in dryness of plants

Here I have a good choice: Beauveria bassiana biopesticide for organic control.

What is Beauveria bassiana ?

B. bassiana is a commercially available entomopathogenic fungus with an extensive host range of insect pests. 

Before looking directly into the Beauveria bassiana  let’s have a look into what are these biopesticidesWhy do we need to use biopesticides?

Nowadays, chemical pesticides are used in crop protection to reduce the damage caused by pathogens and pests in agricultural fields. It poses many long-term threats and risks to living beings due to its harmful side effects. They are known to cause cancer and foetal impairments, and they are non-biodegradable.

Do you know? that the per-hectare consumption of pesticides by country is highest for China, followed by the UK and India. 
If we see in the Indian state highest, Maharashtra consumed 13,175 metric tonnes (MT) in the previous year 21–2022. It is followed by Uttar Pradesh, Telangana, and Jammu and Kashmir.

Based on this, we need to seek alternative methods, especially increasing the use of biopesticides to overcome their harmful side effects. 

What are Biopesticides? 

Animals, plants, and microorganisms like bacteria, cyanobacteria, and microalgae naturally produce biopesticides. Farmers use these compounds as organic pest controllers to manage agricultural pests and pathogens.
The use of biopesticides is more advantageous than the use of traditional chemical pesticides, as they are eco-friendly, organic and host-specific.

There are two main types of biopesticides: Microbial biopesticides and Biochemical pesticides. Microbial biopesticides come from microorganisms, including bacteria, fungi, and viruses. Biochemical pesticides are natural products that control pests through non-toxic mechanisms. In contrast, chemical pesticides rely on synthetic molecules to kill pests directly.

Hope you got a picture of biopesticides and I can say this fungus B. bassiana comes under microbial biopesticides.

How Does B. bassiana Kill the Other Pests Organically? 

The fungus B. bassiana is a facultative saprophytic fungus that can infect and kill insects and other arthropods. How does it infect the insects? let’s have a look, this entomopathogenic fungi infects the insect through penetration of the cuticle. Germ tubes grow through the layers of the cuticle using the enzymatic action and finally enter the haemocoel and kill the insects.

Life cycle of the organic pest controller Beauveria bassiana

What Are the Benefits of this Beauveria Bassiana?

As it is a naturally occurring, eco-friendly entomopathogenic fungus that effectively controls most of the economically important crop pests. It helps to increase productivity by improving crop health through organically controlling pests. It can be used up until the day of harvest, as the residues are not harmful to the consumers.

You should also know its target pests and also target crops. I can say it can control Caterpillars, Weevils, Borers, Leafhoppers, Jassids, Whitefly, Aphids, Thrips, Mealybug, Mites, May beetles and also soil-borne pathogens in cereals, pulses, vegetables, fruit crops, cole crops, orchards, cotton and ornamentals in greenhouses, nurseries, lawns and landscapes organically.

The Effect of Beauveria Bassiana on Organic Pest Control

We have evidence that B. Bassiana, originally isolated from an infected click beetle in Scott County, Tennessee, USA, can control damping-off of tomato, caused by the soilborne fungal pathogen and can also provide protection to cotton against a seedling disease complex in field soils. Furthermore, seed treatment with B. Bassiana has resulted in endophytic colonization of tomato seedlings.

I can say this is the dual purpose biocontrol organism as it is organic pest control of sucking pests, soil-borne pathogens and also lepidopteran insects.

Organic Pest Controller Brand? 

I am here to recommend Criyagen Beauveria bassiana; it contains 1×108
CFU/ml min (liquid formulation), 1×108 CFU/gm min (solid formulation)
. Criyagen is a life science company with the mission to deliver low-cost, eco-friendly inputs for sustainable agriculture and develop carbon-neutral energy means for a better tomorrow.

Image of Criyagen Beauveria bassiana organic pest control product

How to use this organic pest control product

Method of application and Application for crops :

Drip Irrigation: Mix 1 litre of  Criyagen Beauveria Bassiana in 100 litres of water and apply through drip irrigation.

Soil Application: Mix 5 kg or 1 litre of Criyagen Beauveria Bassiana with 100kg compost incubate for 4 days and apply to one-acre field.

Seedling Dipping: Mix 1 litre or 2 kg of Criyagen Beauveria Bassiana with 10 litres of water, keep the seedling roots in immersed condition for 30 minutes and transfer it to the field.

Soil Drenching: Mix 5 kg or 1 litre of Criyagen Beauveria Bassiana in 200 litres of water and drench 500 ml solution near the root zone of the crop.

In conclusion, I can say Beauveria Bassiana stands out as a dual-purpose organic pest controller, effectively tackling both diseases and sucking pest infestation in plants. It operates by infecting insects through the cuticle, offering eco-friendly pest control without harm to consumers. Criyagen Beauveria Bassiana emerges as the best organic pest control solution. Its different application methods ensure ease of use across various crops, making it a valuable asset for sustainable agriculture. With its ability to protect against a wide range of pests and soilborne pathogens, Criyagen Beauveria Bassiana represents a promising organic pest solution for crop health and productivity.

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