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Broflanilide: Everything that You Need to Know Before You Use It

BASF’s Exponus is so popular in the insecticide market, thanks to its key ingredient, Broflanilide. But how should it be used? What’s the recommended dosage per litre or acre? And what’s its mode of action? What are the alternatives? Why it’s the best? Before you start using this product, it’s essential to know the details. 

In this guide, we’ll cover all the things you need to know about Broflanilide insecticide to use it effectively and safely.

Broflanilide for pest control

The Power of Broflanilide

Efficacy and Application

This compound exhibits strong broad-spectrum efficacy against a wide range of pests. It can be utilized in multiple ways, including foliar, in-furrow, seed treatment, and even against urban and rural pests like termites, ants, cockroaches, and flies.

Key Features

  1. Low Dose Rates: Compared to existing standards, Broflanilide insecticide requires a significantly lower dose rate. This means less product usage while achieving superior or equivalent results.
  2. Total Knockdown: It doesn’t just intoxicate pests; it controls them. There’s no chance of recovery for the pests once treated.

3. Versatility in Application: From seed treatments, in-furrow to foliar applications, and even as baits or aerosols against non-crop pests, this insecticide can be applied in multiple ways.

4. Advanced Compatibility: It’s highly compatible with other insecticides, fungicides, and micronutrients making it a versatile choice for tank mixes.

5. Residual Control: Broflanilide ensures long-term protection. It offers residual control for foliar applications up to 21 days, more than a month for seed treatments, and an impressive up to five years for termite control in residential settings.

How It Works

Imagine if our brain was like a radio, with two main stations – one that plays calming, soothing music (let’s call it the Relax Station) and another that plays high-energy, intense music (the Party Station). Normally, our brain can smoothly switch between these two stations, helping us stay balanced. What if we can’t switch, all the time if it’s playing party station, we will lose all our energy and finally we will fall. Broflanilide does the same with insects.  It forces them to be stuck on their Party Station, ultimately killing them.

A More Technical Explanation

Broflanilide acts on the insect’s nervous system. A balance between excitatory and inhibitory signals is vital for insects. Neurotransmitters like GABA facilitate these signals. Broflanilide obstructs GABA from transmitting inhibitory signals, leading to overexcitation and incapacitation of the insect. It achieves this by binding to a unique site on the GABA receptor, rendering it non-functional. This mechanism ensures that pest populations are drastically reduced.

Fast Action

Its efficacy is rapid. As per the reports, 100% mortality was achieved in just 2 hours. Comparatively, current alternatives took five times longer to achieve the same results.

Translaminar Movement

A standout feature of Broflanilide is its translaminar movement, enabling it to move across leaf tissue.
Now, if you don’t know what is Translaminar Movement, let me explain: Imagine you have a special kind of sunscreen. When you apply it to the top of your hand, not only does it protect the surface, but it has the unique ability to seep through and protect the underside of your hand too, without you actually applying it there.

Translaminar Movement
Image credits: Colorado State University

This ensures that both the top and bottom of your hand are protected from the sun’s rays, even if you only applied the sunscreen to the top.

Translaminar movement in Broflanilide works similarly. When it’s applied to the top side of a leaf, it doesn’t just stay there. It travels through the leaf tissue, protecting both the top and the underside, ensuring pests are targeted even if they’re feeding or hiding on the bottom.

This ensures the active ingredient permeates insect-feeding areas, targeting pests even if they feed on the underside of leaves.

Targeted Protection

Thanks to its low water solubility, Broflanilide remains at its application site, offering enhanced protection. When applied according to label instructions, it poses no risk to beneficial above-ground insects, making it a safe and targeted choice for farmers.

Safety First – Yours and Ours!

Before jumping to ‘How to Use Broflanilide’, let me share some crucial guidelines. It might sound boring and you might be tempted to skip or scroll through, but this is the most important part of this post.

1. Understanding the Importance of Sustainable Agriculture Practices

Modern agriculture often involves the use of various chemicals to protect crops and maximize yield. However, it’s crucial to adopt sustainable practices that not only boost production but also ensure environmental safety.

Key Takeaways:

  • Bee-Friendly Practices: Some chemicals are not compatible with bees, making it essential to avoid bloom applications and during the foraging period of bees to protect these vital pollinators.
  • Protecting Aquatic Ecosystems: The use of buffer zones can prevent chemicals from reaching water bodies, thereby safeguarding aquatic life.

Waste Management: Proper disposal methods for tank washings and empty containers are vital to prevent environmental contamination.

2. Ensuring Personal Safety While Handling Agricultural Chemicals

While chemicals play a vital role in agriculture, they can pose risks to those who handle them without proper precautions.

Key Takeaways:

  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Always wear suitable PPE, such as gloves, goggles, and protective clothing, when handling, mixing, loading, or applying products.
  • Reading Labels: It’s crucial to always read and follow label instructions to ensure that chemicals are used safely and effectively.

How to Use Broflanilide Insecticide

Exponus (Broflanilide 300 grams per litre)

Usage and doses of Exponus Insecticide  (Broflanilide 300 grams per litre)

Brofreya (Broflanilide 20% : 20 g/100 ml)

For effective pest control with PI Brofreya, refer to the recommended dosage based on your specific crop and target pests.

Usage and doses of Brofreya  Insecticide  (Broflanilide 20% )

Safety First

Once again, before using any insecticide, it’s essential to understand its potential effects on both pests and the environment. Always refer to the product label and consult experts if in doubt.

If you have any questions related to the dosage or mode of action of Broflanilide, write to us at or contact  us via +91 9108047688

Want to explore Broflanilide products? click here.

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