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Home » Prevent Plant Stress By Seaweed Extract: Criyagen Criya-zyme

Prevent Plant Stress By Seaweed Extract: Criyagen Criya-zyme


In the future, we will face two major problems-climate change and a growing world population. The increasing human population faces a food crisis due to abiotic stresses. This means farmers might use more chemicals to make plants grow faster. But, too many chemicals can harm the soil. What if there’s a better way? What is plant stress? How can we prevent plant stress? The answer is seaweeds. Let’s find out how seaweeds might help us have a better future.

Are we able to protect soil health? Do we get healthy food for all of us? Let’s have a look below!

Why We Should Use More Biofertilizers For Better Yield?

According to research, the use of chemical fertilizers in agriculture will disturb the nature of the soil and provide stress to the plants.  To solve the above problem, there is an emerging need for natural biofertilizers with low cost in the agricultural field to improve plant growth and enhance healthy food production.

Read more about biofertilizers by clicking here.

Biofertilizers generally improve crop productivity through processes such as nitrogen fixation, phosphate solubilization,  and plant hormone production. 

Today I am here, to talk to you about the marine renewable source of biofertilizer called Seaweeds which finds applications in many industries including food and agriculture. 

Seaweeds: Nature’s Solution to Prevent Plant Stress

You might be wondering, What are these seaweeds? Well, seaweeds are nothing but macro algae. There are about 9,000 species of macro algae broadly classified into three main groups namely green (Chlorophyceae), brown (Phaeophyceae) and red (Rhodophyceae) based on their pigments such as chlorophylls, carotenoids and phycobiliproteins. 

Interesting right? Then, What are the uses of Seaweeds?

The Benefits of Seaweeds in Agriculture

Due to the presence of huge amounts of water-soluble potash and other trace elements in seaweeds will readily be absorbed by plants. It controls the deficiencies and also reduces the abiotic stress in plants. Additionally, the carbohydrates and other organic matter from seaweeds improve the nature of soil, moisture-retaining capacity and prevent plant stress.

But is seaweed extract effective? Some research stories  tell that seaweed extract helps in promoting seed germination, shoot and also root length in green gram, black gram and mustard. 

You may be wondering how seaweed extract helps to overcome plant stress. Well, the unique compounds in seaweeds activate the jasmonic acid, salicylic acid and ethylene signalling pathways. These hormonal pathways stimulate the accumulation of various chemical and physical protective compounds, enabling plants to defend against biotic and abiotic stresses.

These seaweeds are usually known as Biostimulants. Wait !! What are these biostimulants now? 
Biostimulants are substances and/or microorganisms that enhance plant growth, increase tolerance to unfavourable environmental conditions and promote efficient use of plant resources.

They help with the specific aim of enhancing nutrient use efficiency, recovering the plants from abiotic stress and availability of confined nutrients in the soil or rhizosphere. 

How Seaweed Extract Works as a Biofertilizer?

According to FAO and ITPS 2015, abiotic stresses such as drought and salinity are responsible for large crop losses, causing up to a 50% reduction in crop yield as well as reducing the productivity potential of arable land.

To recover this some researchers carried out the experiments on field level with the use of seaweeds as a biostimulant which recovered from the drought and salinity stresses.

They also noticed application of seaweed extracts reduced relative water loss and encouraged plant recovery from short‐term (4–10 days) drought stress in tomatoes, soybeans and wheat.

So, what are you waiting for? You might be already thinking of purchasing the best biostimulant for your plant stress.

I can strongly recommend Criyagen Criya-zyme for your crops to reduce plant stress. Criyagen is a pioneering life science firm with a clear mission to provide low-cost, environmentally friendly inputs for sustainable agriculture and to produce carbon-neutral energy sources for a better tomorrow.

The Power of Criyagen Criya-zyme: A Case Study

What is this Criyagen Criyazyme?

Criya-zyme is a plant-nourishing tonic, that helps in vigorous crop development and better yield. It is suitable for all Agriculture, Horticulture, plantation and ornamental crops.

It consists of 20% Seaweed extract, which helps in increasing cell division and cell elongation with the cytokinin and auxin contents of Criya-zyme.
1. Stimulates the growth and activity of selective micro-organisms.2. It energizes the plant metabolism.
3. It helps in the quick and efficient use of translocated material.
4. During drought conditions it helps to minimize 1-2 irrigation.

Application and Usage of Criyagen Criya-zyme

Criya-zyme as a Foliar Spray – It can be dissolved 2-3 ml/liter and thoroughly sprayed until foliage is completely covered.
When to use? It can be sprayed after 30 days after sowing / transplanting.
It can be repeated at 15 days of interval.

In conclusion, as we face the dual challenges of climate change and a growing global population, the effect on agriculture and soil health becomes increasingly evident. Traditional methods relying heavily on chemical fertilizers not only disrupt soil ecosystems but also pose risks to human health and the environment.

However, there is hope in the form of natural biofertilizers, particularly marine-derived biofertilizers like Criyagen Criya-zyme (seaweed extract). Seaweeds, or macroalgae, offer a sustainable solution to enhance crop productivity while reducing the plant stress. Their rich composition of water-soluble potash, trace elements and organic matter improves soil structure, moisture retention, and nutrient absorption by plants.

Click here to shop for Criyagen Criya-zyme for your plants.

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