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Best Organic Fertilizer For 20 Essential Nutrients

You may have observed in your fields the younger leaves of your plants turning yellow, buds and flowers falling off prematurely, a reduction in the size of buds and leaves, halted root growth, and shrinking seeds and fruits, among other symptoms. These occurrences are often misinterpreted as pest or disease infestations or other environmental factors. All these problems are due to the deficiencies of essential and beneficial nutrients indispensable for plant growth and development. This is where we have an organic fertilizer for you that can solve your problem and give you a better yield.

For plants to grow normally and healthily, we often rely primarily on providing crops with adequate nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. However, we tend to overlook the other essential and beneficial nutrients they require. 
What are these essential and beneficial nutrients? Why are they important to our crops? How can we make them available to our crops?

What Are Essential and Beneficial Nutrients ?

Just imagine your life without vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. Right, we can’t live without these nutrients. Similarly, these essential and beneficial nutrients are vital for plants. Without them, it is impossible for the plant to complete the vegetative or reproductive stage of its life cycle.

How we can get these nutrients from the best organic fertilizers?
Image source: Khetiki Gyan

Why Essential and Beneficial Nutrients

What, according to you, is the one important factor for plant growth without which it is difficult for a crop to thrive? I know it is a tricky question to answer because not just the factor, but each and every nutrient is important for the crop. So it becomes important for us to understand the importance and the impact of its deficiency better.

Essential nutrients include both macro and micronutrients, without which a plant can’t complete its life cycle.

Image source: Arcosa
Image source: Physiological functions of beneficial elements

Why It’s Not Available For the Crops

Providing each and every nutrient to the plant manually is truly a cumbersome task, so it is important to utilise the nutrients present in the soil for the crops to thrive. Even though these nutrients are present in the soil, they can’t be absorbed by the plants due to their unavailable form, and plants can only absorb nutrients when they are in an available form.

If you’re looking for a comprehensive solution to solve the micronutrient deficiency problems, check our previous blog

Image source: Journal of Nanobiotechnology

So, how can these nutrients be converted into a form compatible with crops? This is where, we have an organic fertilizer that can help you.

Apply Criyagen Total 20

Here is the best organic fertlizer
Image source: Criyagen

Right, enriched with protein hydrolysates, amino acids, humic, and fulvic acid, when applied to the soil, these substances make essential and beneficial nutrients available to the plants. Humic acid has advantageous effects on nutrient uptake, particularly in the availability and transport of micronutrients 

Best Organic Fertilizer: Criyagen Total 20

Criyagen Total 20 is directly given to the soil, if you are growing short-duration crops, it is enough to use 50 – 100 kg per acre as the basal or grand growth stage of the crops and if you are having orchards and plantations, use 100-250 gram per plant, once or twice in a year.

Soil is a major source of essential and beneficial nutrients needed by plants for growth. However, these nutrients are often not readily available to plants due to their chemical forms. Criyagen Total 20 single-handedly makes all these nutrients accessible to the plants, thereby contributing to sustainability by reducing reliance on multiple chemicals for crop use.

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